Move over Pipe, see you later Chopes. The Volcom Fiji Pro and the Oakley Bali Pro have redefined what world tour spots should be. Let me explain… Contemporary surfing has turned Pipeline into a snore-fest. That’s just my opinion, but barrel after barrel after barrel, to me, is boring as hell. While there is some […]

Move over Pipe, see you later Chopes. The Volcom Fiji Pro and the Oakley Bali Pro have redefined what world tour spots should be. Let me explain… Contemporary surfing has turned Pipeline into a snore-fest. That’s just my opinion, but barrel after barrel after barrel, to me, is boring as hell. While there is some […]

Update: Since this article was first published the ASP has announced new broadcasting deals with YouTube, ESPN (in the US) and Facebook. Despite this there is still very little known about whether or not ZoSea and the ASP will introduce pay-per-view next year.  Paying for Waves: The changing nature of surf media Paying for Waves: […]

One of the most striking aspects of the lecture was the idea that the complexity of the modern media force us to question what reality really is. In contemporary society we consider that the media ‘RE-present’ (as the lecture notes put it) what we see without change… we consider images in the paper to be […]

Do visual media work differently to other media forms? In short: yes… yes they do. Visual media provide a representation of something that would remain in text form and ultimately make this information more accessible for a wider audience. Unlike traditional media forms, visual media does not rely heavily on user interaction which enables widespread understanding […]

Given that we didn’t have a tute this week as our tutor was sick I thought it was only appropriate to blog about the arguments my team had come up with for the debate. We were the affirmative team with topic question: should piracy be illegal. Firstly, we were going to discuss the historical beginnings […]

The internet is continually and infinitely expanding. It is cluttered with information, publications, news, music and millions of bites worth of files. Given the extraordinarily large amounts of information on the internet we are being forced to choose the information we are attentive to. We are finding the need to filter the clutter of data in […]

Archives are the foundation of most social interaction and is an increasingly relevant topic in a world where the ubiquity of archives heightens accessibility (and inaccessibility) and the way in which our lives are structured. By organising our lives and restructuring them, archives lay the basis for authority and control accessibility. Derrida notes, however, that archives only appear to […]

I can safely say that I was thoroughly confused by this week’s readings, but (hopefully) now understand actor-network theory and its relationship to the history of publics and publishing. Actor-network theory centres largely around the idea that networks (made up of a series of actors) have the potential to form a single entity and become […]

Publishing is a longstanding tradition which entails the reproduction and printing of images in order to put these images into the public domain. Throughout the contemporary era publishing has largely been used by the media to spread news and messages to the masses. The invention of the printing press allowed for mass scale publication, however […]